Hope Harvest Uganda

Hope Harvest Uganda

Meet Our Team

We all come together to make this happen for the children

Pastor Festo, Founder

Festo Waiswa Innocent

Founder of Hope Harvest Uganda

Hello, I want to introduce myself to you. I’m the Founder of Hope Harvest Uganda.  I was born on 11/10/1983 

Kari Mogen


Hi, my name is Kari Mogen. I help HHU exist in the United States.

Kari Mogen, Treasurer
Tonya Mikels, President

Tonya Mikels


My name is Tonya Mikels. I am a registered nurse at a local emergency room.

April Dunn

Web Designer

Hi, my name is April. Pastor Festo reached out to me a few years ago.

April Dunn, Web Designer.
Hope Harvest Uganda

Hope Harvest Uganda

P.O. Box 233 Kamuli (U)


HHU is registered in Wisconsin:

1601 Knapp Street, Menomonie, WI 54751